“And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47b
One of SVAC’s (and the Christian & Missionary Alliance’s) core values is sharing the saving grace of Jesus with others, who can then bring others to Jesus. And through God’s grace, He has added to our number day by day those who are being saved! For some while, we have outgrown the capacity of our current church building in several aspects, including available meeting spaces and parking. Brothers and sisters are also yearning for more or better spaces to effectively reach out to the local community.
Having purchased the adjacent empty plot of land, we now have the opportunity to create a master plan for up to 25,000 sq ft of building space, which will allow us to build additional facilities.
Why are we expanding?
To effectively reach out to the community through additional infrastructure and facilities.
What are we planning to do?
Create a master plan for up to 25,000 sq ft of building space. (Currently, SVAC’s building is about 20,000 sq ft). Multiple phases will likely occur as part of the master plan to maximize the land use, with Phase 1 to potentially include a new Worship Hall, Multipurpose Gym, Kitchen, and additional parking.
How will the process look like?

Ways to contribute
There are many ways you can contribute and involve in the building expansion project.
PrayPray for wisdom for all decision makers, pray for our church to be a light to our community, and pray for submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit throughout this entire process!
Give to Our Capital CampaignVisit our Capital Campaign page to partner financially.
Give TimeIf you have experience with building planning/construction, or just want to help out, please contact us!
Thank you again for all your prayers and support! If you have any questions or comments, fill out the form below or email us at building-committee@svac-cma.org.