Welcome to the Land of Faith, the children’s ministry of SVAC. We are excited to have the privilege of teaching your children. Our hearts’ desire is for children of all ages come to faith in Jesus Christ and grow in godly character. May you and your children find a fulfilling journey in the Land of Faith.

The Land of Faith is designed for children from infant up to 5th grades. In the Land of Faith, we offer a variety of programs to build up their faith.

Saturday Programs

All Children’s Programs meet from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on 1st, 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. There are no programs on long weekends (i.e. New Year, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.)

Baby Land of Faith (Infant to 3 years old)

Every child is greeted with tender care and loving attention from our experienced nursery staff who will ensure a safe and friendly environment for your children.

Awana Cubbies (3 to 5 years old)

Awana Cubbies celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers by helping them develop reverence for God, His Son and His Word. It is a fun Scripture-based program along with exciting games for preschoolers to learn about the Bible and develop a lifelong faith in Christ.

Children’s Garden (Kindergarten to 2nd Grade)

Like seeds planted in a garden, we teach children how to cultivate godly character in a fun and interactive setting. In the Children’s Garden program children will develop new friendships and life skills through group play, theme lessons, and different kinds of special events throughout the year.

BreakOut (3rd to 5th Grader)

2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” Similarly, BreakOut is designed with the concept of 2 Corinthians 5:17 to encourage children to move towards spiritual maturity by intentionally building strong relationships with others and diving deeper into the Bible.

In the first half of the program children will engage with one another through activities, games, outings, and special programs. Then in the second half of the program children will spend time in Bible study, sharing, and praying together.

Sunday Programs

On every Sunday from 9:30am to 10:45am while the adults have their own worship service, children also have their own worship service as well!

Toddlers’ Service (21 months to 3 years old)
Little Kids’ Service (Preschool and Kindergarten)
Kids’ Service (1st to 5th grade)
*Child care is available for children under 21 months

After worship service, we also have Sunday School programs by grade from 11:15am to 12:30pm for children to apply what they learn in the worship service to their life.



Christine Chan (Children’s Ministry Director)
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